Summer ZooCamp 2025 Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve tried to make sure to answer all your ZooCamp questions. Should you have any questions about the online registration process, please call the Program Registrar at (401) 785-3510 ext. 358 or email If you have any questions about ZooCamp content, policies or any other aspects of your child’s ZooCamp experience, please call the ZooCamp Director at (401) 785-3510 ext. 394.
Summer ZooCamp Registration opens February 5th at 9 am.
Please keep an eye on our social media and e-mail communications. Registrations close two weeks prior to your desired week of camp. For example, registration for Summer ZooCamp Week 5, 7/15 – 7/19 will end at 11:59 PM on Monday, July 1st. Please be aware that camp weeks may sell out before registration deadlines.
Registration is considered complete when camp is purchased and your camper information has been registered on our CampBrain site. CampBrain is our online portal to collect necessary camper information to have a successful week at camp. Failure to complete your registration on CampBrain could result in losing your camp spot.
You are strongly encouraged to use the online method to register for camp since it will give you immediate knowledge of registration status, and the greatest likelihood of getting the weeks you desire. If you don’t have a home computer, you can access the internet at most public libraries.
If registering online is not possible, you may use the Mail-In Summer Registration Form and Medical Information & Risk Release Form.
You will need a credit card and an email address to make full payment through our Verisign-secured server, before receiving confirmation and important information about completing your ZooCamp registration. Please have all your contact information, registration system username and password, and each camper’s medical information (including allergies, medications, medical conditions) available.
There is no maximum number of registrations per person. However, it is highly recommended that you do not try to register more than a few children at a time since you may not get the same week. We also suggest you register Tadpole Academy campers first since space is limited.
No. A parent, legal guardian or grandparent must register children. Please do not register friends, neighbors, etc., because you will be the primary emergency contact, and responsible for all medical and registration information. There is no way to change this in the system.
No, payment in full is required at time of registration.
If the camp of your choice is sold out, please contact with your child’s name, age, and desired week of camp, to be placed on a waiting list. There is no guarantee a space will become available. If a space does become available, we will contact the first person on the list who will then have 12 hours to respond. If we do not hear from you within 12 hours, we will contact the next person on our list.
Complete refunds minus a $30.00 processing fee will be given up to June 1, 2024 for Summer ZooCamp. Absolutely no refunds will be made after these dates.
Due to the high demand for camp spaces, we must adhere to the above cancellation policy. If you enroll your child and must cancel after the above listed dates for any reason your registration fee is non-refundable unless a child on the waiting list can fill the space. In the event the cancelled slot is filled, a $30.00 processing fee will be deducted from your refund.
Since Roger Williams Park Zoo is a conservation organization, we do not send any camp information via mail. We send your confirmation, newsletters, reminders, and notices to your registration email address. Please notify us if your email address changes or if you are not receiving emails. This information is vital to your camper’s experience. Even if you have participated in ZooCamp previously, we strongly encourage you to read all camp materials since information changes year-to-year.
No. Campers must be the minimum age of each camp at the time of attending camp. Requirements are not negotiable and are strictly enforced. RWP Zoo reserves the right to cancel your registration if your camper does not meet the minimum age requirement. Exceptions are made only for children with special needs at the discretion of the ZooCamp Director.
To ensure that all campers receive age-appropriate opportunities, campers are grouped by age. Siblings and group requests must be made upon registration. Groups are created two weeks prior your camper’s week of camp. To ensure your campers safety, and all groups stay as a stable household group, no grouping requests will be granted during camp.
Campers may be registered for a maximum of one session of each camp theme. For Summer Adventures and Conservation Heroes this is a maximum of one odd week and one even week. If a duplicate registration is made, RWP Zoo reserves the right to cancel your registration.
Yes! RWP Zoo’s new registration system has this capability. Use the continue shopping link in the cart to add a membership to your order before checking out, and the member discount will automatically be applied in the final shopping cart. Questions? Contact the Program Registrar at (401) 785-3510 ext. 358 or Membership Department at (401) 785-3510 ext. 375.
For your safety, please do not remain in the Zoo after dropping off your camper. Prior to the Zoo opening, preparations are underway that require the Zoo to be free of visitors. If you would like to visit the Zoo, please enter through the main admission gate after zoo opening at 10:00 am.
ZooCamp staff is under the supervision of the Manager of Family Programs, Meg Archer and ZooCamp Director, Beth Caporelli. Camper-to-staff ratio is 8:1 or better. Counselors of college age or older, junior counselors, and counselors-in-training volunteers lead Zoo Adventures and Conservation Heroes ZooCamps.
Most ZooCamps offer after camp care to meet the needs of working parents at a cost of $1000/week per child. After Care is available from the time camp ends until 5:30 PM Monday – Friday. A late fee of $1/minute after 5:30 PM applies.
**Parents must sign up for aftercare at the time of registration. You will not be able to add aftercare at the morning check-in.**
Yes, camp is in session on Monday, July 4th and Monday, August 14th.
All ZooCamps are designed for children who can remain in a group setting without parental involvement. Throughout the day, please do not meet or follow your child’s tour group if out in the Zoo or in the park. This is very distracting for our campers, and is a safety issue.
All lunches are prepared by Zoo concessionaire, Service System Associates, which must be pre-ordered at time of registration. Lunches can be added during morning check-in. Lunches are $11. There may be some common allergens in lunch options including:
Personal Pizza: wheat, flour, milk, and soy
Macaroni & Cheese: wheat, egg, milk and soy
Hot Dog: soy, beef
Should you have any questions about the online registration process, please call the Program Registrar at (401) 785-3510 ext. 358 or email If you have any questions about ZooCamp content, policies or any other aspects of your child’s ZooCamp experience, please call the ZooCamp Director at (401)785-3510 ext. 394.