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Category: Zoo Updates

Tamandua pup laying in basket with fuzzy stuffed animal.

Roger Williams Park Zoo Announces Birth of Southern Tamandua

PROVIDENCE, RI (June 6, 2022) Roger Williams Park Zoo is thrilled to announce the birth of a Southern tamandua to mom Carina and dad Salvador. Born on May 6, the…

Red Wolf mom and pup laying inside of Den sleeping.

Critically Endangered Red Wolf Pup Born at Roger Williams Park Zoo

PROVIDENCE, RI (May 27, 2022) Roger Williams Park Zoo is elated to announce the birth of a red wolf pup, the world’s most endangered canid species, as part of the…

Bubba the Harbor Seal

Roger Williams Park Zoo Beloved Seal Bubba Has New Residency, Woods Hole Science Aquarium

PROVIDENCE, RI (May 13, 2022) Roger Williams Park Zoo’s beloved harbor seal Bubba has a new residency at Woods Hole Science Aquarium on Cape Cod. Bubba brought joy to staff…

Black and white image from the 1990's - aerial view of the Roger Williams Park Zoo elephant yard area with 150th anniversary logo in bottom right corner.

Roger Williams Park Zoo Celebrates Its 150TH Birthday

New England’s Zoo Since 1872 In 1872, Ulysses Grant was president; there were 37 states in the union; the U.S. Patent Office issued the first patent; the Metropolitan Museum of…

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